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Tackle Rare Diseases with Kurt Coleman & the Carolina Secondary

Proceeds benefit Uplifting Athletes, Inc.


Based on 14 tackles, each worth $35.14

9 pledgers

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A message from Holden Shirley:

A former Uplifting Athletes chapter president is using the biggest stage to "Tackle Rare Diseases with Kurt Coleman & the Carolina Secondary." Show your support by making a pledge or donation today! #TogetherWeAreStronger

Help Kurt Coleman support Uplifting Athletes!

Uplifting Athletes Letterman and former Ohio State Buckeye Kurt Coleman is making his first appearance in the Super Bowl.

The Carolina Panthers strong safety has energized his career with his best season as an NFL player.

To celebrate his continued commitment to serving others, Coleman has issued a Tackling Rare Diseases campaign for Super Bowl 50 that will benefit Uplifting Athletes.

Fans can pledge to donate for each tackle a member of the Carolina Panthers secondary makes during the against the Denver Broncos. According to the NFL statistics, the Panthers secondary averages 20 tackles combined per game this season.

Coleman was an Uplifting Athletes Chapter leader during his tenure at Ohio State, and has continued to be a supportive voice for the rare disease community.

Support Uplifting Athletes and the rare disease community by making your pledge to the Kurt Coleman Tackling Rare Diseases campaign.


2/7Super Bowl 5014$492
Uplifting Athletes, Inc.

This campaign benefits

Uplifting Athletes, Inc.

Verified Charity

Uplifting Athletes is a nonprofit organization that harnesses the power of sport to build a community that invests in the lives of people impacted by rare diseases.

Contributions made to this campaign are tax-deductible.

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