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Northwestern Touchdown Pledge Drive 2020

Proceeds benefit Uplifting Athletes, Inc.


Based on 4 Touchdowns, each worth $1,116.25

29 pledgers

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A message from Peter Snodgrass:

Ranked 1 of 2 fundraisers - $440 raised by 2 supporters

I'm participating in "Northwestern Touchdown Pledge Drive 2020" benefiting Uplifting Athletes, Inc.. Please support me by pledging per Touchdown during my fundraising campaign. I believe in Uplifting Athletes, Inc.'s mission and I'm excited to earn your support with every Touchdown. Please help me reach the campaign goal of $3,000 by pledging now. I really appreciate your support. Thank you!

Northwestern Chapter Touchdown Pledge Drive '20, Where Every Wildcat Score Means More!

The Northwestern Chapter of Uplifting Athletes will be holding a Touchdown Pledge Drive on December 12th versus Illinois to shine a spotlight on the Rare Disease Community.

Wildcat fans can tackle rare diseases, by making a pledge for each touchdown scored against Illinois. Then watch and cheer as each Northwestern touchdown helps raise money to support the Rare Disease Community.

The challenges faced by the Rare Disease Community today are bigger than any one individual, team or organization can tackle alone. To create the change needed we all must rally together.

We have the opportunity to provide hope and NOW is the time to take action!

Proceeds from the Northwestern Chapter 2020 Touchdown Pledge Drive support Uplifting Athletes and its commitment to create Uplifting Leaders, engage in Uplifting Experiences, fund Rare Disease Research, and expand Rare Disease Awareness.

How you can help

The Northwestern Chapter

When the Northwestern Chapter was formed in 2011, the Wildcats were inspired by former Northwestern and Notre Dame coach the late Ara Parseghian’s support of the rare disease Niemann-Pick Type C. More recently, the leaders of the chapter chose to use a personal relationship and added ALS as part of the motivation to support the Rare Disease Community through Uplifting Athletes.

About Uplifting Athletes

A nonprofit organization founded in 2007, Uplifting Athletes inspires the Rare Disease Community with hope through the power of sport. Uplifting Athletes fulfills its mission through a network of college football student-athlete led chapters, Uplifting Ambassadors and Team UA participants that support our charitable programs: Uplifting Leaders, Uplifting Experiences, Rare Disease Research and Rare Disease Awareness.

Thank You!

I hope you will join our team and make a pledge to support the Northwestern Chapter and the Rare Disease Community. Also, please share our Touchdown Pledge Drive campaign on your social media to help us Tackle Rare Diseases.



Peter Snodgrass & Joe Spivak

Northwestern Chapter Leaders


12/12Northwestern Touchdown Pledge Drive 20204$4,465

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Uplifting Athletes, Inc.

This campaign benefits

Uplifting Athletes, Inc.

Verified Charity

Uplifting Athletes is a nonprofit organization that harnesses the power of sport to build a community that invests in the lives of people impacted by rare diseases.

Contributions made to this campaign are tax-deductible.

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