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Reps For Halos With Grant Stuard

Proceeds benefit Heels To Halos


Based on 28 Bench Press Reps, each worth $187.06

58 pledgers

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A message from Daniel Salib :

Ranked 3 of 4 fundraisers - $28 raised by 1 supporter

I'm participating in "Reps For Halos With Grant Stuard" benefiting Heels To Halos. Please support me by pledging per bench press rep during my fundraising campaign. I believe in Heels To Halos's mission and I'm excited to earn your support with every bench press rep. Please help me reach the campaign goal of $30,000 by pledging now. I really appreciate your support. Thank you!


Pledge Today to help end Sex Trafficking in Houston!

Heels to Halos is a foundation that focuses on bringing women in the sex industry to a life of freedom. The organization provides each woman with an individualized approach providing long-term housing, medical and dental resources, counseling, and vision assistance all for no cost. Heels to Halos is a chance for women to be lead back to a life in which she is seen as more than a price tag. The foundation provides leadership to support these women to go back to their day-to-day lives whether that be gaining a job or going back to school. The foundation began 15 years ago when the founder chose to leave the sex industry herself. Even since regaining her freedom, she has chosen to help other women achieve the same freedom. The foundation focuses on getting women out of strip clubs, brothels, and sexually abusive situations. Grant became enlightened about the foundation when he came in contact with the founder at his church. After hearing her story, her purpose, and her passion, Grant was driven by the same passion to support the foundation and women everywhere to gain the freedom they deserve. Currently, the foundation is also running a campaign called #PeopleAren’tPriceTags. Through this campaign individual’s are raising awareness to the foundation’s purpose by providing their “Why” for their support of the foundation.

Fans and supporters can Pledge for each Bench Press Rep I perform (my goal is 25) at my televised Pro Day on April 9.

Please join my team by making a pledge today!


DateNameBench Press RepsEarned
4/9NFL Pro Day28$5,238

This campaign benefits

Heels To Halos

Verified Charity

We exist to bring TRUTH, IDENTITY, and WORTH to women in the sex industry.

Contributions made to this campaign are tax-deductible.

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