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Brewer Hicklen's Homer For Hope Challenge

Proceeds are being collected by Brewer Hicklen


Based on 22 home runs, each worth $482.73

19 pledgers

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A message from Billy and Monica Bell:

Ranked 1 of 1 fundraisers - $146.67 raised by 1 supporter

Monica and I are participating in "Brewer Hicklen's Homer For Hope Challenge" and we are asking you to support Brewer and the kids by also pledging per home run during his fundraising campaign. We believe in this cause and are excited to earn your support with every home run. Please help us reach the campaign goal of $15,000 by pledging now. Brewer will really appreciate your support. Thank you!

Impacting the Youth, 1 HOMER at a Time!

This is something I have wanted to do for years and have always pushed the challenge to the “next season”! I am so passionate about helping give underprivileged youth kids every resource they need to be successful.

Youth sports is a gateway to make a profound impact on a kid’s life and there is no better way to start your support by committing to pledge to the “The Bullpen Foundation” when I hit a home run!

This year, Reagan and I are pledging $100 for every home run hit! Family, friends, and fans all over can pledge any dollar amount for each home run Brewer hits during the 2024 season. Every time Brewer hits a home run, not only will the team benefit so will families across North Alabama!


DateNamehome runsEarned
3/212024 Season0-

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