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Type 1 diabetes and ED

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Diabetes is broadly divided into type 1 and type 2 depending on its origin. Type 1 diabetes refers to diabetes that results from a decrease in insulin secretion, mainly due to the destruction or disappearance of “pancreatic β-cells”.

Compared to type 2, it is characterized by more onset in children and teens in their 20s. If not adequately managed, it may accelerate the progression of arteriosclerosis and damage nerves, which may cause juvenile ED. Diagnosis as soon as possible and appropriate treatment is required.

Characteristics of type 1 diabetes

“Pancreatic β cells” are cells that synthesize and secrete insulin. When it is destroyed by an autoimmune reaction for some reason, the amount of insulin secreted is absolutely reduced, resulting in a lack of action. In addition, there are many cases of idiopathic disease of unknown cause that are not related to autoimmunity. As the symptoms progress, hyperglycemic symptoms such as thirst, polydipsia, polyuria, and weight loss occur as subjective symptoms.

Depending on your symptoms, you may need to start insulin treatment immediately. However, there are cases such as “slowly progressive type 1 diabetes” that progresses slowly, and there are cases where it is difficult to distinguish from type 2 diabetes, so diagnosis by a diabetes specialist is required for treatment.

There is a theory that the cause of type 1 diabetes is abnormal autoimmune function caused by environmental factors such as viral infection and nutritional status, in addition to multiple genetic factors such as human leukocyte antigen (HLA). It’s up. The involvement of rubella and enterovirus in the virus has been reported, but it has not yet been confirmed. In addition, genes are not directly linked to the onset only by determining the susceptibility to the onset, and patients with type 1 diabetes rarely have a family history, which is different from type 2 diabetes.

diet remedy

For blood sugar control, it is the same regardless of type 1 or type 2 that you need to be careful about the order and contents of meals. Eating dietary fiber such as salad before the staple food can suppress the rise in blood sugar after eating to some extent.

However, in type 1 when the amount of insulin itself secreted from the pancreas is insufficient, it is often difficult to stabilize glycemic control by the diet itself, in which case, according to the content of the meal, before meals. You need to administer insulin. In addition to three meals, it is necessary to supplement insulin appropriately according to the amount of sugar during snacks. Insulin sensitivity also changes depending on weight gain and loss, age, and season, so fine adjustment is required depending on the situation. In particular, weight gain increases insulin requirements and poses a high risk to the patient’s body, so it is important to manage weight properly.

Recently, the idea of ”carbohydrate counting”, which determines the amount of insulin to be administered and the diet, has become widespread. It is a method of adjusting the amount of insulin to be administered according to the number of carbohydrates in the diet. If you can adjust the amount of insulin for your meal by yourself according to this idea, you will be able to eat the same meal as other people, and it is expected that you will be able to enjoy eating out.

Exercise therapy

Since type 1 diabetes is caused by an absolute deficiency of insulin, a diet with insulin supplementation and carbohydrate adjustment is the basis of treatment. Exercise will be provided to the extent that it is safe, in light of the individual’s wishes and the severity of complications.

However, for those who enjoy exercising on a daily basis, exercise has a certain effect on diabetes treatment from the viewpoint of maintaining physical strength and reducing stress. It is also important to consult with your doctor about exercise.


Insulin replacement therapy is the basis for the treatment of type 1 diabetes. Since it is more difficult to stabilize blood glucose levels in type 1 than in type 2, it is important to appropriately set target values according to the person’s symptoms, degree of complications, age and lifestyle pattern. increase.

Type 1 diabetes and ED treatment

Type 1 diabetes often develops at an early age and can lead to early symptoms of ED pills. An erection is caused by sexual stimulation from the brain and the inflow of blood into the corpus cavernosum, but if the blood sugar level is left high or the blood sugar level is not controlled properly, sugar becomes nerve cells and blood vessels.

Hurt. As a result, sexual stimulation is not sufficiently transmitted, blood flow decreases, and early ED occurs. Adequate management and treatment of diabetes itself is important for the prevention of diabetic ED. Even in the case of diabetic ED, ED treatment drugs that are PDE5 inhibitors such as Sildenafil are very effective, so those with subjective symptoms should try it.

If you are in your teens or 20s and haveED due to type 1 diabetes, you may be judged to have psychogenic ED due to tension and unfamiliarity with sexual activity that is common in young people. Be sure to tell your doctor that you have type 1 diabetes.

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