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Stella AT thru-hike for Pawsitism

Proceeds benefit Pawsitism


Based on 2,200 mile, states, each worth $0.05

4 pledgers

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Raising funds for Pawsitism

Stella is a 5-year-old Boston Terrier that will be thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail starting March 2023 with her human family. She would like to raise money for a wonderful charity called Pawsitism.

Pawsitism Inc. is a new nonprofit in the Sheboygan Wisconsin that is training Autism Assistance Service Dogs for children with autism.  They are able to do this by partnering with the client’s family to train, educate, and fundraise money to help provide a dog to help with their child needs.  Each family is asked to fundraise money to put back into the program before receiving their service dog and the rest of the money comes from our generous donors.

Pawsitism Inc. works with Golden Retrievers, Goldendoodles and now Bernedoodles! Volunteer Puppy Raisers raise our puppies up to 18 months to provide basic obedience training, socialization and care.

The benefits of an Autism Assistance Service Dog are proving to be truly remarkable. They assist people on the autism spectrum with completing daily tasks, preventing someone to wander, acting as a calming presence during overwhelming situations, and companionship.


DateNamemile, statesEarned
3/14AT hike--

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Only through generous donations, of both time and funds, can Pawsitism Inc. thrive and grow. With your contributions, we are able to ensure the best of care and training for our autism assistance service dogs.

Contributions made to this campaign are tax-deductible.

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