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Join Matt Boyd in Striking Out Human Trafficking

Proceeds benefit Big League Impact Foundation


Based on 238 strikeouts, each worth $21.47

3 pledgers

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Every Strikeout Will Help End Sex Trafficking

My wife, Ashley, and I feel a strong responsibility to help end child sex trafficking through prevention in Detroit and Uganda

Every girl or boy that we help rescue represents freedom in a world where over 32 million humans currently live and work as slaves. While we cannot rescue all of them, we can do something to prevent slavery for the ones we can reach.

Last year we started our foundation, Kingdom Home, and began covering all living costs for 36 girls in Uganda. In 2019, through the incredible support of fans in Detroit and Lakeland, FL, we have nearly covered the overhead expenses for the girls and are beginning to set our sights on acquiring a piece of land and building them a new home. This will be a home where they can safely grow, learn, and prepare themselves to live a flourishing life free from the bondage and terror they faced in their previous villages.

This year, I am hoping that you will join me on this mission to turn every one of my strikeouts towards funding a van that can be used to safely transport the children to and from school and on outings.

Our mission in Uganda has already begun to flourish in 2019 and we also want to help children here in Detroit. Some of the proceeds from this campaign will stay in the Motor City as we look to work with organizations that are helping young victims of sex trafficking.

If you are passionate about this cause and want to help us raise funds, you can create your own campaign and share it with your friends. The top fundraiser by August 31st will receive two tickets to a Tigers game in September and I’ll host you on the field to personally thank you.

Ashley and I are grateful for all the help we can get — our hearts are constantly with these children who suffer, and with your support we know this season will be meaningful.

– Matt


  • All Prizes are awarded once the $ threshold is reached or directly donated
  • $100 total donation gets you a custom Freedom campaign 108 Stitches t-shirt
  • $250 total donation gets you the t-shirt and a custom Freedom hat from Zephyr Hats
  • $500 total donation gets the t-shirt, hat and a personalized autographed Matt Boyd photo
  • $1,000 total donation receives the t-shirt, hat, photo and an autographed baseball
  • $5,000 Total donation receives the t-shirt, hat, autograph and a seat at my table during Big League Impact’s Fantasy Football Draft in Detroit in August, 2019 (or make the donation by May and receive an entire bay at our Topgolf event in Auburn Hills on May 20th)


3/28Week 1 23$494
4/4Week 2 6$129
4/11Week 3 7$150
4/18Week 4 3$64
4/25Week 59$193
5/2Week 615$322
5/9Week 72$43
5/16Week 88$172
5/23Week 915$322
5/30Week 109$193
6/6Week 118$172
6/13Week 127$150
6/20Week 1317$365
6/27Week 140-
7/4Week 1513$279
7/11Week 1610$215
7/18Week 1716$344
7/25Week 1810$215
8/1Week 199$193
8/8Week 205$107
8/15Week 219$193
8/22Week 227$150
8/29Week 2311$236
9/5Week 246$129
9/12Week 253$64
9/19Week 266$129
9/26Week 274$86

Fundraiser Leaderboard

Big League Impact Foundation

This campaign benefits

Big League Impact Foundation

Verified Charity

Helping meet basic human needs in an effort to restore dignity and hope to people in the local community and around the globe.

Contributions made to this campaign are tax-deductible.

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