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Miles for Moose

Proceeds are being collected by Ashley Stewart


Based on 100 miles, each worth $3.85

8 pledgers

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Help us bring home Jackson's Service Dog!

Jackson was recently approved for his very own service dog, but we need your help to raise the funds we need to bring it home! In the month of July, I’ll be running (or walking!) as many miles as I can do just that. You can be a part of our ‘Miles for Moose’ by pledging per mile or donating directly to the campaign here.

How does it work? You decide how much you would like to pledge per mile that I complete. During the month of July, I’ll keep track of all of the miles I run (or walk!) and share them both here and on social media using the hashtag #milesformoose. At the end of the month, we’ll total the miles and see how much we raised!

What’s my goal? I’m shooting for 100 miles over the course of the month. That’s a little more than a 5K a day! Some days will be more, some will be less, but 100 miles in 31 days is the goal!

**Want to join in on the fun? **Run or walk throughout the month of July and use the hashtag #MilesForMoose, or share the link with your friends and family. You can also set up your own page - reach out and I’ll help you get set up!

**Would you rather just give? **That’s fine, too! You can support using the link here!

Get ready to log some #MilesForMoose

Read more about Moose and why we’re hoping to get him his very own pup!

Hi friends! For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Jackson. I was born with a rare genetic syndrome called Coffin Siris Syndrome (SMARCA4) that led to a number of complex medical and developmental disabilities, including Tetralogy of Fallot, short gut syndrome, sensorineural hearing loss, and more.

Over the last 7 years, my family and I have learned more and more about my disabilities, and continue to learn more and more about me! Most recently, we learned that I’m autistic and I experience the world just a little differently than other kiddos my age. We’re thrilled that I’ve been approved for a service dog to help me safely navigate the world around me, both at home and out in the community.

What will a service dog help me do?

  • Social Interaction: Who doesn’t love puppies? My service dog will help me introduce myself to others and have the confidence to interact with kiddos around me.
  • Behavioral Redirection: One way that my autism presents itself is through stimming behaviors and sensory seeking. While this is not a problem when done safely, it can be an issue when the ‘sensory I am seeking’ is my sister’s legos in my mouth or pulling my g-tube out when I’m in my car seat. A dog can help me redirect these behaviors and keep me safe!
  • Elopement and Tracking: Did you know I’m starting to walk on my own? Did you also know I can open the back door, even when it’s locked? Because I can. A dog will help my mom and dad be more comfortable knowing that I won’t leave the house (or other area we are) alone. If I do, my dog will help find me!
  • Standing and Bracing: Standing up is hard work (maybe that’s why I held off on doing it for so long….) and sometimes I need help getting up from the ground. My dog will be trained to help me stand up, if I need any help.

A service dog with be a life-changing opportunity for me and my family, and we’re so grateful that you’re considering a gift to make this happen! The cost of getting my own service dog is $20,000, and every dollar you give goes to meeting that goal! Thanks for helping this Moose get his own pup!



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